Towards a necessary deformalization of insolvency proceedings


  • Gabriela Antonelli Michudis Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires



insolvency proceedings , requirements, formalities , simplified proceedings


Law No. 24522 imposes on the debtor strict requirements to access the regulatory regime established for insolvency proceedings and also during its progress, regardless of the size of the insolvent company. Even though it includes two articles for small insolvency proceedings, these do not constitute a different regime per se, so these proceedings are subject to the same formal requirements as those imposed on all other insolvent companies. This entails an obstacle in a country where the majority of companies are small companies, which tend to be discouraged from resorting to this insolvency regulatory regime given its strict formal requirements. The main claim in this article is the need to implement a regulatory reform to simplify debt restructuring and which takes into account the experience acquired during the last two years in the use of technological resources. This appears to be the trend based on legal scholars’ current criteria and recent reforms in foreign systems.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Antonelli Michudis, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires

Lawyer specialising in Corporate Legal Consultancy at the University of Buenos Aires. Master's Degree in Commercial and Business Law (UBA). Postgraduate in Insolvency Law (UBA). Assistant Professor of Insolvency Law (UBA). Secretary of the Department of Economic and Business Law, School of Law (UBA). Secretary of Academic Coordination of the Centre for Insolvency Law Studies, School of Law (UBA).


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How to Cite

Antonelli Michudis, G. (2022). Towards a necessary deformalization of insolvency proceedings. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 19(52), 114.



Derecho Comercial