The covert advertising carried out by influencers on social networks




Consumer society , Internet, digital platforms , advertisers , users


At present, it is common for users of social networks to be exposed to advertising messages made as "advice from a friend" by the influencers whose followers they are. In relation to this, the central objective of this work is to unravel what is behind the activity of the influencers. A qualitative and descriptive methodology has been used, based on the observation of behaviors carried out by public figures in the Instagram social network around the dissemination of typically advertising content without specifying that they are such, while analyzing the Argentine regulations that would be applicable, noting that there are still no specific legal regulations that regulate the behavior of influencers on social networks.


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Author Biography

Eliana Mariel Ferrero, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Lawyer, National University of La Plampa (UNLPam); Master in Civil Law (UNLPam). Professor of Fundamentals of Private Law and Theory of the Legal Act and Civil and Commercial Procedural Law, Faculty of Economics and Law (UNLPam). She works at the Office of Common Management - Civil Court of the La Pampa Judicial Branch.


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How to Cite

Ferrero, E. M. (2023). The covert advertising carried out by influencers on social networks. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 20(53), 166.



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