A Province without Law. About the responsibility of the State in the province of Buenos Aires
patrimonial responsibility of the state, Constitutional right, Administrative law, Provincial legislationAbstract
The Reform to the Civil and Commercial Code of 2015 brought with it, among other changes, relevant developments in matters of State patrimonial responsibility. The objective of this work is to make a quick review of the current state of the matter, pointing out how state responsibility has been regulated both by the federal jurisdiction and by some Argentine provinces. Within this framework, I will focus on the inconvenience of completely dispensing with the provisions provided by Civil legislation, as provided by the Civil and Commercial Code and by Law N° 26944. Thus, I will address the paths traveled by the different provinces of our country, placing special emphasis on the situation of the Province of Buenos Aires, which, at the time of this work, lacks regulations regarding this type of liability. I will indicate the possible integration mechanisms found in the legal system, particularly the analogy and legal principles, exemplifying how provincial courts have had to resort to them. Finally, I will support the need for the largest province in the country to regulate its own responsibility for public goods, including principles that are common to the entire constitutional system.
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