Bank’s contracts law

Necesidad de un replanteo del estudio de los contratos bancarios


  • Juan José Zandrino


law, contracts, banking


Newly approved National Civil and Commercial Code (law 26.994) were analyzed the traditional effects over the Commerce Subject (agencies, corporations, insurance, banks, stock market, etc.). When in particular the financial law review was done was observed that: a) the Civil and Commercial Law regulate specifically the bank’s contracts (Cap. 12, Tit., IV, Third Book; b) different new standards named “bankerization” had created a situation for the majority population to be active directly and daily with the banks; c) in the last decades the economic, social and technological developments gave origin to new and complex judicial relations; d) in our country there are unresolved unsatisfied financial demands (as investments for projects, housing and others). The above situation is convincing that the actual treatment of bank’s contracts as one chapter of the Commercial Law is not enough for the integral knowledge of future graduates. All of the above should be covered in a new specific course.


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How to Cite

Zandrino, J. J. (2017). Bank’s contracts law: Necesidad de un replanteo del estudio de los contratos bancarios. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 13(46). Retrieved from



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