Tell me how you evaluate and I will tell you how you teach. Rethink ways to evaluate students and not devalue people
evaluation, qualification, sanction, hidden curriculum, open book examAbstract
Like the being or not being of Hamlet's monologue, for education, the problems generated by evaluation and qualification constitute some of the existential themes. The institutional need to certify formative processes does not allow us to dispense with it, condemning us to the pain of looking for - in a transcendent way in our teaching life - answers to a myriad of questions about formats and ways. Trying to understand the generational tension in the classroom, the problematic about the incorporation of technological tools, the need to add more practice, the subjectivity of the actors of the teaching-learning process and the hidden curriculum are passages of the present work that has the intention of invite the reader to reflect if, undesired with our usual examining practices, we are evaluating performance or devaluing people.
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