Knowledge of the profession of teaching in tension: about the veils that were released in a pandemic




Knowledge of the trade - Teaching - Experience - Transformations


In this work, three experiences of university professors are briefly presented that, in the context of preventive and compulsory social isolation, like the rest of Argentine teaching, we had to “move” our practices and our knowledge of the face-to-face modality to a digital platform.

In the first part, we will expose about the concept of knowledge of the profession of teaching and experience, then we will relate our practices as teachers in the scenario imposed by quarantine, in which we will describe the situations experienced and the uncertainty that accompanies us at times, to point out what aspects of that knowledge of the trade, know-how, were put into tension and how we are solving them.

Finally, we ask ourselves whether the subjective transformations that take place during this time will have an impact on university organizations and on our practices or, on the contrary, once located in a "new normal", we will try to return to what is us. known.

KEY WORDS: Knowledge of the trade - Teaching - Experience - Transformations



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How to Cite

Caruso, M. F., Errobidart , A., & Gaite, M. E. (2020). Knowledge of the profession of teaching in tension: about the veils that were released in a pandemic. Trayectorias Universitarias, 6(10), 018.