An experience of education in health emergency: from face-to-face to the virtual environment




environment - virtual - students - emergency


Through the development of the following experience as teachers, we seek to make a description and make visible aspects for analysis on the modification and complexity of the teaching-learning processes in the context of health emergency by Covid-19, which currently crosses Argentina and others countries of the world.

Faced with this complex moment, compulsory social distancing calls into question the teaching-learning strategies as they have been proposed since the creation of formal education, where students attend a physical space (the educational establishment ) to be able to acquire and build knowledge. Thus, since the current year, the regulations imposed by the emergency have implied that teachers adapt the curricular spaces in which we work to new technologies, having to rethink not only the strategies to be implemented, but also the difficulty of access of some subjects to virtual spaces.

In this sense, the current socio-economic conditions show that not all students have access to services or technology that allows a sustained process in virtual education time.

At the same time, we identified the need for educational institutions to implement greater institutional resources in order to deal with this complexity, promoting greater accompaniment to the diversity of situations that students have.

It is through this narration of our experience that we develop the transformation process, from a face-to-face structure to a virtual one, encompassing different media and platforms, and also thinking about future strategies, aimed at promoting permanence and academic advancement.

KEY WORDS: environment - virtual - students - emergency.



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How to Cite

Peralta Minini, V., & Musatto, C. A. (2020). An experience of education in health emergency: from face-to-face to the virtual environment. Trayectorias Universitarias, 6(10), 023.