Development of the General Genetics course mediated by TIC during the first quarter of 2020




TIC, covid 19, general genetics


Due to the Social, Mandatory and Preventive Isolation (ASPO) by COVID-19, the National University of La Plata communicated to its teachers the need to maintain pedagogical continuity in all its dependencies. In the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, TIC'S began to be widely used in recent years to improve the training and organizational models that support learning. The objective was to describe the experience in the development of the General Genetics course during the ASPO-COVID-19, mediated by TIC'S and to analyze the performance of the cohorts 2019 (attended in person) and 2020 (attended virtual). The virtual environment Moodle 3.1 was used as didactic support. Mandatory Face-to-Face Activities became Mandatory Virtual Activities. The total number of students under study was 296 of which 150 correspond to the one studied in 2019 and 146 to the first semester 2020. When the conditions of each student were compared, no significant differences were found between the number of promoted, approved, disapproved and absent between the two groups. The use of TIC'S during the ASPO allowed us to develop the course without major inconveniences; strengthening the relationship between teachers and students.



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How to Cite

Aliverti, V., Picco, S. ., De Luca, J., Cattáneo, . A. C. ., & Peral García, P. . (2021). Development of the General Genetics course mediated by TIC during the first quarter of 2020. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(12), 050.