Advantages and disadvantages of teaching music composition in the midst of a pandemic




composition, music, workshop, virtual education


Can the teaching of musical composition in virtuality develop?... How?

We often say between teachers and many times students that music is not taught to compose music, which creates an initial crisis for those who arrive at the faculty of the arts (FDA) at the University of La Plata (UNLP) to learn how to compose music. There is a metaphor that we use to describe the passage through this university career that is that of the tool bag. Those who sign up for the matter arrive at the FDA with different realities, some have more tools than others in their bags, there are those who know how to use them more, there are those who less... others even do not own any, and in the course of each class, each group and individual exchange, a link is being built that allows us to share specific experiences of this trade.


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Fisherman, Diego (2011). “Después de la música. El siglo XX y más allá.” Ed. Eterna Cadencia, 2011.

Gandini, Gerardo (1998). “Del recato y otros pudores. Reflexiones sobre el oficio del componer”. Ponencia -Tercera Reunión de Arte Contemporáneo, Santa Fe, Argentina, octubre 1997. Publicada en sus anales y en Pauta Nº 65, México D.F., Enero-Marzo 1998.

Nono, Luigui. “El error como necesidad” Texto que salió originalmente en una edición especial de la revista francesa de música contemporánea "Contrechamps". Traducido por Gabriel Paiuk. Disponible en:

Ramón López Martín “Reflexiones Educativas para el pos Covid-19. Recordando el Futuro” Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 2020, 9(3e), 127-140.

“ARTESANO DE FIN DE SIGLO. Maestros en el arte“. Collage cultural originalmente realizado en 1995 por Claudio Koremblit: Disponible en:



How to Cite

Graciosi, D., & Hernández, P. (2021). Advantages and disadvantages of teaching music composition in the midst of a pandemic. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(12), 053.