E-learning in times of COVID. The experience of the AULACIETE 2020-2021 Teaching-Learning CLUSTER





e-learning, covid 19, teaching, learning cluster, pandemic, aulaciete, online training


The COVID-19 pandemic affected access to education at different educational levels, according to data provided by the IDB, 95% of students were unable to attend schools. From the analysis to the regional executive measures, insufficient attention was found to the didactic and technological training of teachers, this motivated in September 2020 the initiative of a group of Venezuelan Professionals to generate a program on didactic strategies and technological tools online, in a way that free, free and self-managed access. The objective of this article is: To point out the elements that made up the initiative called: Teaching - Learning Teaching Cluster, undertaken through the AULACIETE digital platform (CLEAP-7), developed between September 2020 and February 2021; Identify the results obtained from the process, by conducting an analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC); Highlight the Critical Success Factors (CSF) from the results obtained during the development of CLEAP-7, and issue some recommendations for similar programs. The research presented is qualitative, descriptive, the sample is represented by 530 participants from 13 countries in the Latin American Caribbean region and Spain. The data was generated from the reports of the Moodle platform, AULACIETE.NET management system. The data analysis started from the follow-up to the development of the 16 modules. In conclusion, it is highlighted that the success of distance training in its form of e-learning requires minimum conditions for the provision of equipment, programs, specialized applications, stable connectivity and electrical services. And it is necessary to promote spaces and experiences for the appropriation and development of didactic and technical competencies that allow self-management of learning in virtual, modular, open and flexible teaching and learning environments.


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Author Biographies

Raymond Marquina, University Of Los Andes - Venezuela

Raymond Marquina is a professor at the School of Audiovisual Media of the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the University of Los Andes. Active researcher in the area of ​​distance education and production of open educational resources. He is co-founder of the academic social network on Free Knowledge and Education (CLED). He has published on the web a large number of freely accessible educational materials and resources, in different areas related to the educational use of ICT. He has actively participated in various national and international projects in the development of training processes at different levels. CEO of AULACIETE. Expert in Elearning, Design and Development of educational content in multimedia format. Implementation of educational platforms for distance education. Website design and development.

Angel Alvarado, Universidad Central de Venezuela| Aula CIETE | República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Angel Alvarado is Professor at the School of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Education (FHE), Central University of Venezuela (UCV). He is enthusiastic and dedicated to teaching, research and extension in the area of ​​information technologies and communication in education, curricular and instructional design, e-learning processes, design, development and evaluation of digital instructional media and virtual teaching and learning environments. Coordinator of the Center for Experimentation of Instructional Resources (CERI). School of Education. Distance Education Coordinator FHE UCV SEDUCV. Member of the Curriculum Chair and Head of the HR Training Chair of the School of Education, FHE, UCV. Academic Coordinator of AULACIETE.


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How to Cite

Benítez, E., Marquina, R., & Alvarado, A. (2021). E-learning in times of COVID. The experience of the AULACIETE 2020-2021 Teaching-Learning CLUSTER. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(12), 055. https://doi.org/10.24215/24690090e055