Introductory Course to the Degree in Nutrition: Experience and evaluations of the 2022 entrants




introductory course, experience, entrants, degree in nutrition, tutorials


The paper inquires about the assessment of the entrants in the experience of the Introductory Course of the Bachelor's degree in Nutrition of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of La Plata in 2022.

For this, we conducted a survey of the entrants in which we asked about their evaluations of the activities carried out, the bibliographic materials and the role of the teachers during the Introductory Course. In this way, we intend to contribute to knowledge about "the practices of institutional subjects and their retrospective reflections on what they experienced" (Carli, 2012: 26) in a key instance of the trajectories that constitutes "a period of uncertainty" (Pierella , 2014).

First, we describe the characteristics and the context in which the Introductory Course was developed. Then, we show the results of the survey answered by 418 students who took said Course. Finally, we present the reflections of these results with the intention of providing contributions to the field of university education.


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How to Cite

Besada, L., Bravi, L., Castro, N. G., Garriga Olmo, S., & Núñez, V. (2022). Introductory Course to the Degree in Nutrition: Experience and evaluations of the 2022 entrants. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(15), 111.