Collective construction of teaching practices in the immediacy of classroom teaching: The experience of the Workshop of Introduction to University Life of the Faculty of Informatics - National University of La Plata




docents practices, entrance to the university, school of informatics, collective teaching strategies


Through this paper we propose to bring part of the experience carried out during the University Life Insertion Workshop belonging to the Faculty of Informatics of the National University of La Plata. The TIVU is a device that since 2011, the National Faculty of Informatics of the National University of La Plata, incorporated into its admission strategy as an innovative pedagogical space, aimed at students/entrants for the Insertion into University Life.

In this sense, we will focus on the approach to teaching practices in massive classrooms from the construction of collective teaching strategies. In turn, in the way in which the students who participate as collaborators contribute to the construction of the space. To do this, we recover some elements that contextualize this device, to then delve into how its construction has been during 2022 and what teaching strategies have been proposed.


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How to Cite

Gennuso, L., & Quiroz, E. I. (2022). Collective construction of teaching practices in the immediacy of classroom teaching: The experience of the Workshop of Introduction to University Life of the Faculty of Informatics - National University of La Plata. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(15), 115.