Performing arts and scientific training: A didactic and playful experience to improve communication




glance, body, scene, voice


Scientists must communicate their research and/or knowledge in front of peers, in the classroom, or before a lay audience, tasks for which they have no specific training in their academic career. The performing arts can improve their communication skills by inquiring and experimenting about the body and registering its possibilities. I start from the premise that when a student, a researcher or a teacher appears before an “audience”, they also go on stage and we attend a small show. In this work I report an experiential proposal whose objective is that the bodies do not interfere with the purpose of communicating but rather that they become allies. It is a training that involves our materiality and our intangible products: voice and glance. The process requires confidence, dedication, willingness to play, concentration, patience and courage. It seeks to go through the moments of exposure with the minor stress, transforming that situation into an enjoyable experience. The successful call and the diversity of stakeholders highlights the demand for alternative work spaces, which can improve the skills of scientists and prevent something interesting to transmit from being devalued or being completely frustrated.


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Author Biography

Rosana Mariel Aramburú, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Licenciada en Biología y  Doctora en Ciencias Naturales por la UNLP, Diplomada Universitaria Superior en Comunicación Pública de la Ciencia por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNCPBA y Diplomada en Ciencia, Arte, Tecnología y Educación Superior por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (CONUSUR, Colaboratorio Universitario del Sur). Dramaturga, actriz, directora y comediante. Actualmente es co-coordinadora del Programa de Artes Escénicas y Cultura Científica del Instituto Cultural de la provincia de Buenos Aires; y es co-fundadora de PopER, el primer grupo de stand up científico de Latinoamérica y del Grupo de Estudio en Ciencia y Escena (GECE).


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How to Cite

Aramburú, R. M. (2023). Performing arts and scientific training: A didactic and playful experience to improve communication. Trayectorias Universitarias, 9(17), 136.