Creation of a device for accessibility to digital materials for students with visual disabilities




accessibility, device of digital materials, visually impaired students, right to higher education


This proposal tries to provide a solution to a problem generated from a vacancy within the University National of La Rioja, transforming it into an innovative project. By understanding the different pedagogical, educational and didactic dimensions of innovation in teaching practices, is taken into account the application of ICT as one of the fundamental axes, and one of the emerging issues that is disability in higher education.

The project from the need to guarantee the right to higher education of people with visual disabilities who go through the university, from the democratization of knowledge from the creation of a device of accessible digital academic materials, accompanying the student trajectory ensuring the entry, permanence and completion in the process.

It is intended to form a collaborative interdisciplinary team between teachers, areas, students, graduates and graduates, non-teachers, people with visual disabilities and other institutions; who will work in different commissions, in the creation of a device of digital materials from diagnostic surveys among students with visual disabilities and their specific needs. These materials will be accessible in a virtual classroom, created for this purpose, on the UNLaR virtual campus.


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Author Biography

Flavia Natalia Almaras, Universidad Nacional de La Rioja, Argentina

Graduate in Systems Analysis, UNLaR. Specialized in University Teaching, UNLP.


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Zabalza, M. (2013). Innovación en la enseñanza universitaria. Contextos Educativos. Revista de Educación, (6), 113-136.



How to Cite

Almaras, F. N. (2023). Creation of a device for accessibility to digital materials for students with visual disabilities. Trayectorias Universitarias, 9(16), 127.