Accessible videos in the library: An experience on its production, registration, access and preservation




university libraries, deaf community, accessible formats, architecture


The objective of this work is to make known the experience of the Library of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the National University of La Plata in relation to the production of accessible videos, their registration and access by deaf students.

Different national and international legal instruments will be addressed, as well as standards that must be considered in the production of videos in accessible formats. The video documentary type is described, the characteristics that define its accessibility and its importance as a resource for access to information by the deaf community. The proposal includes a section on the role of Argentine academic libraries and their importance in the participation together with other sectors, for the production of supports and the construction of accessibility in the higher education

The experience had the participation of different sectors of the University: from the Presidency and the Inclusion, Disability and Human Rights Area; and from the school through the Inclusion and Disability Program, the library and the workshop teachers. With indirect but active support, the experience had the assistance and accompaniment of the Interlibrary Work Team on Accessibility of the National University of La Plata.


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Author Biography

Yanina González Terán, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Degree in Library and Information Science.

Head of the Department of Systems and Documentary Production of the Library of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the National University of La Plata.

Member of the Interlibrary Work Team on Accessibility of the UNLP.

Invited member of the Working Group on Disability of the Argentine Interuniversity Library Network (RedIAB-CIN).


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How to Cite

González Terán, Y. (2023). Accessible videos in the library: An experience on its production, registration, access and preservation. Trayectorias Universitarias, 9(16), 123.