Public university, right to education and event

The experience of the University Technician in Sign Language Argentina (TULSA) FTS-UNER




sign language, university education, deaf community


The Tecnicatura Universitaria en Lengua de Señas Argentina (TULSA) is, without a doubt, a political epistemic rupture to the academic normality of the universities, particularly the UNER, a commitment to the interruption of monolingualism in the processes of appropriation of knowledge as community social capital and an agenda for the future, since as an event (following the Deleuzian tradition of the term) as a novel irruption that is exhausted with the development of the experience of which we only narrate some dimensions here. In this article, then, we recover some descriptive and analytical aspects of the experience of management and development of TULSA as a training proposal in the teaching of Argentine Sign Language aimed primarily at natural (native) speakers of that language: deaf people. As a unique training proposal in the country and the region, it seeks to settle a historical debt of university training institutions and tertiary level training institutions with the Argentine deaf community, specifically, the training of Argentine Sign Language Instructors respecting the principle enshrined in the International Convention for the rights of persons with disabilities, that of educating themselves in their own language.


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Author Biographies

María Eugenia Almeida, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina

Docente, extensionista e investigadora en la Factulad de Trabajo Social -UNER. Lic en Trabajo Social(UNER). Especialista en Metodología de la Investigación Cientifica (FCE - UNER) Doctoranda en Estudios de Género (CEA-UNC) Coordinadora TUILSA-E y TULSA UNER.

María Alfonsina Angelino, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina

Docente, extensionista e investigadora en la Facultad de Trabajo Social -UNER. Lic y Mg en Trabajo Social(UNER) Doctoranda en Estudios de Género (CEA-UNC) Coordinadora académica TUILSA-E y TULSA UNER.


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How to Cite

Almeida, M. E., & Angelino, M. A. (2023). Public university, right to education and event: The experience of the University Technician in Sign Language Argentina (TULSA) FTS-UNER. Trayectorias Universitarias, 9(16), 120.