Experiences of internal level articulation policies from the National University of Quilmes.





interlevel articulation, educational community, higher education


This article presents a series of educational articulation experiences that took place between the National University of Quilmes and the provincial and national educational institutions during the period 2022-2023. These projects are in line with the institution's interest in inter-level articulation and reflect an institutional policy that seeks to guarantee the right to education and the continuity of higher studies. Furthermore, these projects establish the University as a reference in the collective construction of knowledge in the region.

 In this writing, we will refer to implemented activities related to the design and development of joint activities for both teachers and students, to reflection, training and professional updating, to the dissemination of knowledge, to the circulation of educational resources and materials, and to the production of knowledge from, for, and with actors from the territory. These actions are currently at different stages of development, advancing with their adjustments and continuities. For the purpose of thematic organization, we decided to make a brief institutional presentation, recovering the main actions that historically characterized the National University of Quilmes in terms of articulation policies with the educational community. In a second section, we will present a description of these experiences, focusing on those aspects that defined organizing criteria: the period in which these actions were carried out, the frequency with which they were deployed, the recipients of these actions, the objectives that guided them, the areas of interest they involved, the productions made, and the materials developed. Finally, we will present a series of analysis dimensions that contribute to the construction of some notions that help identify future problems, learning, and challenges that continue to nourish and enrich the construction of an institutional perspective.


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How to Cite

Grassi, L., Belizan, A., Alonso, M., García, J., Sabaini, M. B., & Leguizamón , L. (2023). Experiences of internal level articulation policies from the National University of Quilmes. Trayectorias Universitarias, 9(17), 132. https://doi.org/10.24215/24690090e132