Social organizations and territory: Spaces for knowledge production in a proposal of integrated curricular articulation




social organizations, formation, technological and social linkage, conurbano bonaerense


The article seeks to reflect a first approach in the implementation of the educational innovation proposal proposed in the Final Integrated Project (TFI) of the Specialization in University Teaching (UNLP), carried out during the first semester of 2024.

The TFI proposes to produce an annual plan that allows the curricular articulation of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory Social Networks and Living Conditions. Social organizations in action, a subject taught at the Instituto del Conurbano of the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (ICO-UNGS). Theoretical perspectives on the curriculum, its transversalization and curricular articulation are developed.

Then, some methodological aspects of the proposal are presented, which, in a flexible way, aims at planning a continuity of the formative instances promoted by the Laboratory, while encouraging its relationship with the institutional spaces of technological and social linkage of the UNGS.

By way of closing, some challenges are raised, after having gone through a first approach to some aspects of its implementation. It also addresses the flexibility required to achieve its purpose, in a complex social and economic context at the national level that affects the conditions of the university institutional context.


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How to Cite

Zamora Albornoz, A. (2024). Social organizations and territory: Spaces for knowledge production in a proposal of integrated curricular articulation. Trayectorias Universitarias, 10(18), 156.