Curricular reforms at UNAHUR from a rights-based approach




curriculum design, credit system in higher education, fundamental right to education, higher education


The article recovers the quests and meanings guiding the curriculum transformation initiated at UNAHUR during the 2022-2023 cycle up to the latest advances in 2024.

The section Starting point (“Punto de partida”), presents a characterization of UNAHUR's programs and their students, in conjunction with official statistical data on graduation in the Argentine University System, focusing on the gap between the theoretical and actual duration of academic programs.

The following section describes the so-called First curricular turn (“Primer giro curricular”), developed in the 2022-2023 cycle, where credits were incorporated, and the duration of six technical programs was modified. This ongoing experience allows for the inclusion of diverse formative experiences in the curricula that acknowledge the construction of knowledge outside the classroom, while also providing an opportunity for each program to capture the transformations and trends of its disciplinary field and incorporate credit proposals to address them.

Finally, the Second curricular turn (“Segundo giro curricular”), , in this year 2024, is presented, where progress is made in modifying study plans through the implementation of the Argentine System of University Academic Credits (SACAU) approved by Resolution ME 775/2023.


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How to Cite

Fernández, M., Gualtieri, G. G., & Carou, M. D. (2024). Curricular reforms at UNAHUR from a rights-based approach. Trayectorias Universitarias, 10(18), 154.