Right to higher education





human rights, higher education rights, institutional habitus, university trajectories


Human rights constitute the universal legal guarantee for a free and dignified life. The legislation obliges mainly States, and other agents, as the ones responsible for its realization and to act against the impediments that hinder and impede its realization. Its formal recognition is a reality that contrasts with the situations of discrimination and exclusion that are verified in various particular situations. The extension and effective realization of the right to university education does not escape the aforementioned problem. With formal recognition in international, regional and national regulations, the problem becomes evident in the various institutions of university education.

The article aims to reflect on some guidelines of the critical theory in order to guarantee the right to university education. It focuses on the analysis of the “institutional habitus” as one of the key factors for university level institutions to exercise their responsibility as a key agent in their guarantee. Finally, it refers to the institutional project of preventive nature of academic failure developed at the National University of Cuyo (UNCuyo) called Student Academic Career (TRACES).


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How to Cite

Paparini, C. H. (2019). Right to higher education. Trayectorias Universitarias, 5(9), 011. https://doi.org/10.24215/24690090e011