About the Journal

ANALECTA VETERINARIA (Analecta vet) is a continuous publication journal with one volume per year. It constitutes the official organ of scientific communication of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the National University of La Plata, Argentina.
Works that cover any of the areas of the Veterinary Sciences, generated by professionals from this or other Academic Units, national or private entities, written in Spanish or English, are received for consideration.
All the works published in Analecta Veterinaria are subject to double-blind review by experts from the area of knowledge who do not belong to the institutions of origin of the work received.

Analecta Veterinaria has been edited by the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences previously with the name of the Journal of the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary of La Plata, since 1905, Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, since 1922, then as a Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Veterinary Sciences since 1959 and Analecta Veterinaria since 1969 celebrating more than 100 years. It is currently only published in its online version (ISSN 1514-2590).

From volume 36(2), 2016, the magazine is hosted at http://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/analecta

Previous volumes (1969/2016 -36(1)-) can be retrieved free of charge online in pdf format at a http://www.fcv.unlp.edu.ar/analecta/analecta.html 

or at the institutional repository SeDiCi UNLP (http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar).

Contact. For any official communication, please contact the Editors of Analecta Veterinaria at analecta@fcv.unlp.edu.ar.


ANALECTA VETERINARIA is indexed in the Latin American Index of Scientific Journals LATINDEX (https://www.latindex.org/), in Scientific Electronic Library Online SciELO (http://www.scielo.org.ar/), in the Open Access Platform of Spanish and Latin American Electronic Scientific Journals of the CSIC (http://bibliotecas.csic.es), en la red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico-REDIB (https://redib.org/Record/oai_revista1069-analecta-veterinaria), en el Nucleo Basico de Revistas Cient´íficas Argentinas CAICYT-CONICET (http://binpar.caicyt.gov.ar/), the Directory of Academic and Scientific Journals- EuroPub (https://europub.co.uk) and in the Directory of Open Access Journals http://www.doaj.org/. and recently indexed by SCOPUS (https://www.scopus.com/)

Section Policy

ANALECTA VETERINARIA publishes papers in 8 sections. These are:

Editorial note. This is the presentation of the issue or volume. It is published by the editor of the journal, on particular occasions.

Research papers. These are full reports of original research or meta-analysis. They consist of the following sections (4): Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, and Discussion and conclusions.

Research papers in teaching. These are works that constitute a contribution to the teaching of Veterinary Sciences (research works per se, interventions, etc.), that go beyond the mere presentation of quantitative results and include the corresponding analysis. They consist of the following sections (5): Introduction (in which the reason for interest, the current state of the question, the theoretical foundations in which it is framed and the objectives should be stated and working hypotheses may be included), Methods, Results (presentation and analysis), Discussion and conclusions, and Research projection.

Short communications. These are original reports that are characterised by being limited in length or scope or that, due to their novelty, require immediate communication as a preview of a more exhaustive one. They consist of the same sections as research papers. They may not exceed 5 pages of text (in A4 format, excluding the first page and the abstract page) and 3 figures. They will have a maximum of 15 bibliographical references.

Review articles. These are narrative reviews aimed at updating a relevant topic and which include a critical discussion of the state of knowledge.  They consist of a brief Introduction (in which the interest of the subject or the reason for the review is explained), Subtitles (those appropriate to the subject in question) and Discussion and conclusions. They will have at least 40 bibliographical references.

Case descriptions. These consist of the description of cases with unusual aspects that provide significant and original information. This concept includes the unusual presentation or progression of a disease, collateral or adverse effects not reported during treatments or vaccination plans, among others. They consist of Introduction, Presentation of the case (with subtitles as required by the type of case), and Discussion and conclusions. It should include relevant findings, both positive and negative, arising from the examinations performed, the interpretation of the results and their discussion with references to the articles cited. In the case of a single case, the clinical history shall be complete; in the case of several cases, only the most relevant data of each case shall be included. They will have a maximum of 15 bibliographical references.

Technical reports. These are descriptions and analyses of novel techniques in the fields of research, diagnosis or surgical treatment. They consist of an Introduction, Methodological description, and Discussion and conclusions. In this and other types of work that require it, the methodological description may be enriched with high quality videos. They will have a maximum of 15 bibliographical references.

Abstracts of presentations at scientific meetings. The submission of abstracts will be the responsibility of the organisers of scientific meetings held at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, subject to prior agreement with the journal's Editorial Board. These abstracts will be published in a Supplement. In order to establish the format of abstracts for presentations at scientific meetings, the organisers of such meetings are invited to get in touch about the formal aspects required, by e-mail (analecta@fcv.unlp.edu.ar)

Terms of Use

The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this media, nor of the entities that sponsor it or of the institutions to which the authors belong.

Reproduction in whole or in part by any method of the printed material in this journal is prohibited without the express consent of the Editor. Reproduction for academic or teaching purposes is authorized by mentioning the source. The use of trade names has the sole purpose of facilitating the identification of the mentioned products and does not imply the direct or indirect support of the Ministries of the Argentine Nation or of the respective countries where the work originates. Nor are the products promoted in advertising notices guaranteed or endorsed.

Open access policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public, seeking a greater global knowledge exchange. ANALECTA VETERINARIA is a Diamond publication, since it does not charge authors for publishing, nor readers for accessing publications.

Preservation policy

Materials published in this journal are deposited in SEDICI, the UNLP repository. Automatic backups and remote copies, format adjustments, integrity checks and other activities required to ensure digital preservation are carried out through the repository. SEDICI's preservation policies can be consulted at the following link: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/pages/politicas#preservacion