Estudio de la distribución del antibiótico fosfomicina en calostro-leche de cerdas


  • MB Fernández Paggi
  • AL Soraci
  • MO Tapia
  • FA Amanto


calostro, fosfomicina, lechón, microbiota


The use of antibiotics (ATB) in sows during peripartum is a common practice in commercial pig farms. The aim of this practice is to reduce the bacterial load at which the suckling piglet will be exposed at birth. In the bibliography, there are not any studies on the distribution of fosfomycin in colostrum and milk sow. In this work we focus on the study of the distribution of disodium-fosfomycin antibiotic in colostrum and milk sow. Fosfomycin (FOS) concentrations were analyzed by HPLC MS-MS method. Calostral concentration shows a range of 1.60 ± 0.89 and 0.34 ± 0.16 μg/ml between farrow and 10 h after the birth of the first piglet. The average consumption of litter fosfomycin was 0.27 mg/kg, equivalent to 1.35 % of the oral therapeutic dose in pigs. The percentage of IM dose of fosfomycin eliminated by colostrum was 1.8 %. Also, disodium-fosfomycin could be used during farrow-lactation in the sow with some safety measures for piglet suckling. However, the impact of the concentrations of FOS in colostrum should be analyzed to determine the effects of the drug on the intestinal microbiota implantation of the suckling piglet.


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How to Cite

Fernández Paggi, . M., Soraci, . A., Tapia, M., & Amanto, . F. (2012). Estudio de la distribución del antibiótico fosfomicina en calostro-leche de cerdas. Analecta Veterinary, 32(1), 5–10. Retrieved from



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