Relación entre parámetros ultrasonográficos y edad gestacional en la gata doméstica


  • MC García Mitacek
  • RG Praderio
  • MC Bonaura
  • RL Sota
  • MA Stornelli


Correlación, Felinos, Gestación, Ultrasonografía


Different methods may be used for pregnancy diagnosis of the feline. Ultrasonography allows early diagnosis of pregnancy and gives information about embryo-fetus development. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between ultrasonographic measurements and gestational age. Ten mixed breed queens, aged between 24 and 36 month were used in the study. Pregnancies were confirmed by an ultrasonographic examination using an ultrasound scanner equipped with a 5-7.5-10 MHz linear transducer (Mindray™, DP- 6600 Vet) 20 days after the first mating. Females were daily monitored by ultrasonography since pregnancy diagnosis to parturition to recorded gestational sac and fetal measurements. During each ultrasound examination: 1) Gestacional sac volume; 2) Gestational sac diameter; 3) Crown-rump length; 4) Biparietal diameter; 5) Abdomen diameter were measured. A correlation between ultrasonographic measurements and gestational age was found with a linear regression analysis. All queens had a normal gestation and parturition. The correlation was significant (P<0.01) and with high coefficients of regression P<0.01. This study shows that ultrasonographic measurements could be used to estimate gestational age and predict parturition day in the queen.


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How to Cite

García Mitacek, . M., Praderio, R., Bonaura, M., Sota, R., & Stornelli, . M. (2012). Relación entre parámetros ultrasonográficos y edad gestacional en la gata doméstica. Analecta Veterinary, 32(2), 5–10. Retrieved from



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