Housing systems evaluation for immunodeficient mice under experience


  • G Principi
  • F Maschi
  • JM Laborde
  • M Carriquiriborde
  • P Cagliada
  • C Carbone


flexible film isolators, invidividual ventilated cage (IVC)


Immunodeficient mice strains maintenance requires special and standarized equipments in order to assure their quality and to obtain reliable experimental results. The development of new technologies and equipments used to control the animal macro and microenvironment in facilities with no barrier systems allow to house small number of rodents along the experiment. Flexible isolators (FI) and individual ventilated cages (IVC) represents two equipments that are able to control environmental factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate FI and IVC efficiency when they are used to keep immunodeficient mice. Two SPF CBA/N-xid mice groups were housed one year in a FI and in an IVC respectively. Environmental and animals microbiological monitoring was performed. The cost, construction, durability, space requirements, maintenance processes, monitoring and technical procedures were evaluated and compared. The results show that although differences among these equipments, both are suitable for the maintenance of immunodeficient mice. However, the results also show that the IVC, though expensive, have advantages over flexible isolators.


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El raton CBA/N xid como modelo animal de inmunodeficiencia Produccion y manejo Fabricio Maschi, Pilar Cagliada, Cecilia Carbone. Catedra de animales de Laboratorio y Bioterio. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Universidad Nacional de La Plata Calles 60 y 118 s/n (1900) La Plata Revista Química Viva. Número 1, año 9, abril de 2010. ISSN 1666-7948.

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How to Cite

Principi, G., Maschi, . F., Laborde, J., Carriquiriborde, M., Cagliada, . P., & Carbone, C. (2011). Housing systems evaluation for immunodeficient mice under experience. Analecta Veterinary, 31(1), 22–30. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/analecta/article/view/12204



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