Cabras criollas: inicio reproductivo y productividad en la zona de La Plata


  • María Gabriela:: Muro
  • Raúl:: Lacchini
  • Carlos Ángel:: Cordiviola
  • Alicia Graciela:: Antonini de Ruiz


The influence of age and weight of creole goats in their first and second parturition productivity was studied. Weight at birth, age, weight and month of their first service, prolificity, pre and post-partum weight, breeding weight and milk production were determined in both parturitions. Goats were grouped according their age at first parturition: L1, less than 12 months; L2, more than 12 months. L1 females were heavier at birth than L2. Birht weight and prolificity showed significant higher values in L2 female. Other variables had no diference among groups. Services distribution were significant different between first and second pregnancy. There were no spring season service for little goats. Early services in little goats had no effect on their productivity. We suggest to use little goats born in spring with higher weight, next autumn.


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How to Cite

Muro, . M. G., Lacchini, . R., Cordiviola, . C. Ángel::, & Antonini de Ruiz, . A. G. (2010). Cabras criollas: inicio reproductivo y productividad en la zona de La Plata. Analecta Veterinary, 30(2), 17–21. Retrieved from