Validación biológica de la técnica de extracción a campo de progesterona fecal en el gato doméstico (<i>Felis catus</i>)


  • Analía Lorena:: Risso
  • Pablo Elías de la:: Sota
  • P. García
  • J. D.:: Díaz
  • Yanina Alejandra:: Corrada
  • Paula Graciela:: Blanco
  • María Cristina:: Gobello


The objective of this article was to biologically validate in domestic felids the "field method" for progesterone (P4) fecal extraction by a correlating fecal and serum values. Additionally, fecal P 4 concentrations in different stages of estrous cycle were compared. A total at of 16 fecal samples from 13 postpubertal female cats were used. The samples were collected during estrus (n=3), luteal phase (n=10), and gestation (n=3) defined by behavior, vaginal cytology or ultrasonography. Simultaneously blood samples were drawn (n=12). The "field extraction method" was carried out in fecal samples and then P4 was determined by radiommunoassay in all the cases. Fecal P4 concentration ranged from 20 to 463 ng/g wet weight. Pearson correlation coefficient between fecal and serum samples was 0.77 (p< 0.01). Differences between follicular and luteal phase (106 ± 22.5 vs. 304 ± 47.7; p<0.03), ovulatory vs. non ovulatory cycles (313.25 ± 142.3 vs. 118.3 ± 86.4; p<0.02) were found, although ovulatory vs. gestational cycles could not be distinguished (313.25 ± 142.3 vs. 292.6± 130.7; p = 0.08). It is concluded that, in the domestic cat, this extraction method is useful to differentiate hyperprogesteronemia from basal P4 , and that it provides P4 fecal values highly correlated with serum ones.


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How to Cite

Risso, . A. L., Sota, . P. E. de la::, García, . P., Díaz, . J. D., Corrada, . Y. A., Blanco, . P. G., & Gobello, . M. C. (2010). Validación biológica de la técnica de extracción a campo de progesterona fecal en el gato doméstico (<i>Felis catus</i>). Analecta Veterinary, 30(2), 28–31. Retrieved from