Transfer of immunoglobulin G from mother to breeding in swine species




Immunoglobulin G, piglets, colostrum, serum, simple radial immunodifusion


The transfer of immunity through colostrum is a critical event for piglet survival. The objectives of this study were to establish the kinetics of immunoglobulin G (IgG) in piglets, and to correlate the concentration of IgG in serum and colostrum from sows to that of piglets 48 hr post-partum. Sera from seven sows and their respective offspring were studied using the simple radial immunodiffusion technique. The mean IgG concentration in sera from sows and in calostrum was 1245.27 mg/dl and 8171.28 mg/dl, respectively. Immunoglobulin G was not detectable in piglets at 0 hr postpartum, with maximum values at 48 hr (1803.82 mg/dl), showing differences with the concentration of maternal serum IgG. From 48 hr to 60 days, the levels decreased, registering an increase at 90 days that did not differ from that of their mothers. Colostrum provided adequate IgG concentration for the protection of neonates, with serum levels at 48 hr postpartum higher than those of their mothers. At 30 days of life, a gradual IgG concentration decrease was observed in piglets, reaching similar values between dams and offspring at 90 days of life.


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How to Cite

Auad, J., Cerutti, J., Torres, M., Fassola, L. A., & Lozano, A. (2021). Transfer of immunoglobulin G from mother to breeding in swine species. Analecta Veterinary, 41(2), 060.



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