Uso de ácidos grasos esenciales para mejorar parámetros reproductivos en el macho


  • Analía Lorena Risso
  • Francisco Javier: Pellegrino
  • Alejandro Relling
  • Yanina Alejandra Corrada



Over the last decades, the nutraceutical properties of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids have been increasingly used as supplements both in humans and in domestic species. The improvement in reproductive characteristics in males has become an object of study for various lines of research. The purpose of this work is to review the most relevant characteristics of these compounds, and the application of omega 3 as a supplement for improving reproductive parameters in males. While most reports agree on the benefits derived from omega-3 intake in reproductive parameters, some reports suggest controversial effects. There is a promising role for essential fatty acids in improving reproduction. The efficacy and safety of their effects have been reported for clinical conditions, but this information is still limited in the area of reproduction. So much more remains to be done concerning dose standardization, endocrinological and clinical effects of these compounds in order to establish their use for improving reproductive parameters.


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How to Cite

Risso, A. L., Pellegrino, F. J., Relling, A., & Corrada, Y. A. (2018). Uso de ácidos grasos esenciales para mejorar parámetros reproductivos en el macho. Analecta Veterinary, 34(1 y 2), p. 33–41. 33-41



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