Evaluation of the inhibitory power of extracts obtained from medicinal plants on pathogenic enterobacteria relevant in public health

Inhibición de patógenos por aceites esenciales


  • Mijail Fernández
  • Piero Silva Pinto
  • Magdalena Costa
  • Lucia Galli
  • Estela Bruno FCV-UNLP




Medicinal plants, vegetable extracts, inhibition, pathogenic enterobacteria


Vegetable extracts can be obtained from different parts of plants such as leaves, stems, flowers and roots. Interest in vegetable extracts has increased significantly due to their bactericidal, fungicidal and antioxidant properties. For this reason, the objective of this work was to evaluate the inhibitory power of the vegetable substances extracted from four medicinal plants: Schinus molle (molle), Sesamum indicum (sesame) Cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon) and Minthostachys mollis (muña) against ten pathogenic enterobacteria. The extracts were obtained with or without maceration with organic solvents and by aqueous extraction. The extraction methodology that presented the highest inhibitory power was that carried out with organic solvents, while the aqueous extractions were those that presented lower inhibitory power. In the inhibition assays, cinnamon extract showed the greatest inhibitory power against pathogenic enterobacteria, while the cinnamon extract combined with sesame (1:1) showed a synergistic effect enhancing antibacterial activity. In addition, cinnamon presented bactericidal effect against Salmonella ser. typhimurium and Salmonella ser. enteritidis.


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How to Cite

Fernández , M., Silva Pinto, P., Costa, M., Galli, L., & Bruno, E. (2019). Evaluation of the inhibitory power of extracts obtained from medicinal plants on pathogenic enterobacteria relevant in public health: Inhibición de patógenos por aceites esenciales. Analecta Veterinary, 39(2), 040. https://doi.org/10.24215/15142590e040



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