Severed hemoparasitosis complicated in a thoroughbred horses from Venezuela


  • D. Villoria
  • J Andrea
  • L Leal
  • F García
  • A Morales Briceño


Hemoparasites, Equine, Piroplasmosis


Equine piroplasmosis (EP) is the disease caused by protozoan hemoparasites Babesia caballi and/or B. (Theileria equi). The aim of this study was to report of case of severed hemoparasitosis complicated in a Thoroughbred horse from Venezuela. The equine present acute abdominal pain in 24 hours and complicated post 48 hours and death in the 72 hours. Temperature oscillate 41;2°C. Icterus and hematury severed. We realized a multidisciplinary study clinical, laboratory, biochemistry, necropsy, histopathology. Hematies: 10.6 mm³, Hb: 16.4 g/dL, Hto: 48%, plaques 305mm³, Leucocites 4.7 x/mm³, Neutrophiles 47%, Lymphocytes 44%, Monocites 1%, Eosinophyles 7%. Total Protein 7,2g/dL, Albumine 2.8g/dL, globulin 4.4g/dL, glicemia 85mg/dL, urea 29mg/dL, creatinine 3.0 mg/dL. BT 3.07mg/dL, BD 0.33mg/dL, BI 2.74mg/dL, GOT 416UI/I,CK 183 UI/I, Na 136mmol/dL, K 3.0 mmol/dL, Cl 98 mmol/dL, fibrinogeno 300mg/dL. Giemsa staining of blood smears followed by careful microscopic examination can reveal the intraerythrocytic parasites in acute cases. B. caballi can appear pyriform-shaped and occurs in pairs whereas B. equi appears as four pyriform parasites in a Maltese-cross formation. On necropsy, were observed severed icterus oral and mucosa, xantomathosis of subcutaneous tissue. Poliserositis, ascitis, anasarca. In the abdominal cavity was observed massive hemoperitoneum severe, adhesive fibrinous peritonitis by diapedesis. Spleen with hemosiderosis severed. Peritonitis fibrinous adhesive in external surface of small intestine. Severe disseminate coagulate intravascular, hemolisis acute and bacteraemia, septicaemia. In conclusion were reported of case of severed hemoparasitosis complicated in a Thoroughbred horse from Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Villoria, . D., Andrea, . J., Leal, L., García, . F., & Morales Briceño, . A. (2012). Severed hemoparasitosis complicated in a thoroughbred horses from Venezuela. Analecta Veterinary, 32(1), 29–32. Retrieved from



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