Assurance engagements of prospective financial information in unstable contexts


  • Jorge O. Pérez Universidad Católica de Córdoba y Universidad Nacional de Villa María, Argentina



macroeconomic imbalances, hypotheses in assurance engagements, prospective financial information


Unstable contexts, such as the Argentine economy, represent significant risks for companies operating in those markets. In Prospective Financial Information Assurance Engagements, special attention should be paid to events that trigger a macro crisis which could substantially affect the situation of the studied companies.

In this research, we propose tools for the auditor to recognize the mentioned risks and the way to analyze them through the identification and modeling of the variables involved. In this way, the auditor can have proof to know if the entity has properly considered the hypotheses in relation to the possible effects.


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Author Biography

Jorge O. Pérez, Universidad Católica de Córdoba y Universidad Nacional de Villa María, Argentina

Doctor en Contabilidad (Universidad Nacional de Rosario). Magister en Dirección de Empresas (Universidad Católica de Córdoba). Contador Público (Universidad Católica de Córdoba). Profesor de posgrado en diversas universidades. Investigador de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Autor de libros y trabajos publicados. Exvicerrector de economía y exdecano en la Universidad Católica de Córdoba (UCC). Director de la Maestría en Contabilidad y Auditoría (UCC). Árbitro en revistas especializadas. Experto de la CONEAU (Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria).


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How to Cite

Pérez, J. O. (2023). Assurance engagements of prospective financial information in unstable contexts. Audit.AR, 2(2), 016.