About the Journal
Aims and Scope
BIOLOGÍA ACUÁTICA is a scientific journal dedicated to publishing research related to the structure and functioning of inland aquatic ecosystems, contributing to the conservation of ecological integrity and the sustainable use of water resources. The journal publishes original research articles, comprehensive reviews that examine the current state of knowledge in specific areas, and innovative perspectives on theories and methods in the scientific field. It covers aspects related to the ecology of lotic and lentic environments, biogeochemistry, paleolimnology, systematics, taxonomy, biogeography, pollution, including those dedicated to management and conservation.
BIOLOGÍA ACUÁTICA publishes articles from the international scientific community. Released every six months, open and free of charge for authors and readers.
BIOLOGÍA ACUÁTICA is indexed in SciELO, Núcleo Básico, Catálogo Latindex, Dialnet, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Google Scholar. The articles are also deposited in the repository of the University of La Plata SEDICI.
BIOLOGÍA ACUÁTICA accepts original and unpublished papers in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Please consult the Guidelines for Authors before submission .
BIOLOGÍA ACUÁTICA publishes the following types of contributions:
- Research articles
- Short communications
- Review articles
- Book review/critiques
Privacy Statement
The names and e-mail addresses added in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other person.
Section policies
Submission openness: Manuscript submission is available for the different types of contributions mentioned above.
Indexing: All manuscripts published by the journal are indexed.
Peer review: All types of contributions received by the journal are subject to peer review.
Peer review process
Initially, the manuscript is assessed by the editorial team to determine its relevance to the scope stated by BIOLOGÍA ACUÁTICA. If the paper does not comply with the established requirements, the corresponding author will be notified within 10 days so that he/she can consider submitting the manuscript to another journal.
In case that the editorial team evaluates the manuscript positively, it will be referred at least to two expert reviewers in the corresponding thematic area for their evaluation. The evaluation system adopted by the journal is single-blind (the anonymity of the reviewers is preserved). The estimated time for peer review is 30 days.
About the role of the reviewers
Based on their expertise, the reviewers advise the Editorial Committee by verifying whether the title and abstract of the manuscript accurately reflect the content of the work; whether there is coherence among the proposed objectives, hypotheses, obtained results, discussion, and conclusions; whether the manuscript contains novel and significant information that justifies its publication; whether the sampling and/or laboratory methods and techniques are adequate and described in sufficient detail; whether the references are adequate; and whether the Figures and Tables are useful and justified by the data they present.
After the manuscript evaluation, peer reviewers suggest one of the following categories:
- Accepted for publication (without modification)
- Accepted for publication (with modifications)
- Resubmit for revision
- Rejected for publication
If the paper is not rejected, the authors should make the modifications suggested by the peer reviewers and outline these changes in the Letter to the Editorial Committee. Likewise, any modifications that are not implemented must also be thoroughly justified in the Letter to the Editorial Committee.
Based on the analysis of the modifications made, the Editor will determine the next steps and communicate them to the corresponding author. The manuscript will be sent back to the reviewer (if requested) to assess the changes made, and may include additional requests for modifications, or it may proceed with the editorial process. Once this stage is completed, the Editorial Committee will conduct a final evaluation of the manuscript, and may suggest further modifications to the authors, such as stylistic adjustments in the writing or revisions in tables and figures.
After final acceptance of the manuscript, it will enter the editing and design process, in order to send the author the Proof. Once this process is completed, the final version is immediately published online.
Open Access Policy
The journal BIOLOGÍA ACUÁTICA promotes and supports the international movement of open access to scientific and scholarly literature. It is free of charge for the author and the reader, and encourages authors to deposit their contributions in open institutional and thematic repositories.
The publication of an article in BIOLOGÍA ACUÁTICA implies no simultaneous submission to other journals and the non-exclusive transfer of the authors' patrimonial rights in favor of the publisher, which allows the reuse, after publication (postprint), under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This license indicates that the publication may be shared, adapted and publicly communicated as long as: a) the authorship and the original source of publication (journal, publisher and URL of the work) are cited; b) it is not used for commercial purposes; c) the same terms of this license are maintained.
Preservation policy
The articles published in this journal are deposited in SEDICI, the institutional repository of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Automatic backups and remote copies, format adjustments, integrity checks and other activities required to ensure digital preservation are carried out through the repository. SEDICI's preservation policies can be consulted at the following link:
Submission checklist
Contributions should be sent via https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/bacuatica/about/submissions
As part of the submission process, authors should check that the manuscript meets all the requirements detailed below. If these requirements are not fulfilled, the article cannot be uploaded.
- The author agrees that the work may be published in open access under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/).
- The submitted work is original and has not been previously published or under consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Letter to the Editorial Board).
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format.
- The text follows the stylistic and bibliographic guidelines explained in the Instructions for Authors.
- For articles with more than one author, the Authorship Statement should be submitted using the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy, https://credit.niso.org/), which outlines 14 roles that can be used to describe the contributions of individuals involved in the production of a research article. Indicate the most relevant ones for each author (required).
- Figures should be submitted as separate files from the text, formatted as required, and clearly labeled with the corresponding name and number. Figure captions should be included in the text file, after the bibliographical references.
- Tables are included in the text file.
- The Letter to the Editorial Board with justification for submission, suggested reviewers and highlights/bullet points should be attached.