The Sea also exists. Reflections over marine spatial planning as an integrated management tool


  • Violeta S. Radovich Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales Ambrosio L. Gioja (UBA, FDER).  Profesora Titular Escuela de Guerra Naval, Universidad Nacional de la Defensa (UNDEF)



marine, spatial, planning, environmental, law


The objective of this article is to generate knowledge in Spanish as regards the tool for integrated sea management known as “marine spatial planning” (MSP). Methodology consisted in the documentary analysis of guides elaborated by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that indicate a method based in steps to implement MSP in countries. Moreover, methodology has been based in the analysis of academic papers and deeds of forums regarding the issue. Conclusions show that it is essential to deeply understand the current governance system and to involve interested parties in a constructive dialogue.


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Author Biography

Violeta S. Radovich, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales Ambrosio L. Gioja (UBA, FDER).  Profesora Titular Escuela de Guerra Naval, Universidad Nacional de la Defensa (UNDEF)

Dra. en Derecho Marítimo, Especialista en Derecho Ambiental (UBA, FDER). Becaria posdoctoral CONICET– Investigadora Formada Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales Ambrosio L. Gioja (UBA, FDER).  Profesora Titular Escuela de Guerra Naval, Universidad Nacional de la Defensa (UNDEF). JTP de Derecho Ambiental (UBA, FDER),


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How to Cite

Radovich, V. S. (2020). The Sea also exists. Reflections over marine spatial planning as an integrated management tool . Law and Social Sciences, (23), 46–69.