Desafíos en la enseñanza del derecho: debemos ubicar el futuro entre nosotros


  • Sandra N. Grahl Facultad de CIencias Jurídicas y Sociales- UNLP


To teach at the university can be said to constitute the last stage in the educational process of youth. Those who decide to engage in it have already had a learning experience in the educational system having acquired along the way very dissimilar cognitive strategies, depending on the kind of education they have had access to. The teaching staff plays a crucial rol in this respect not only because of the previously mentioned challenge but also in view of the necessity to incorporate in students a cosmovision that is both committing and committed to the avdancement of science as well as the needs of the social structure in which they shall incorporate as Law operators. This article shall present an analysis of the current situation of both staff and students at the School of Law at the National University of La Plata (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, UNLP) which can be said to constitute a sample of what goes on in other Schools of Law in Argentina


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Author Biography

Sandra N. Grahl, Facultad de CIencias Jurídicas y Sociales- UNLP

Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas por la UNLP, Especialista en Derecho Administrativo FCJYS UNLP, Docente de la asignatura Sociología Jurídica, Cátedra II, FCJYS UNLP, Docente en el programa de extensión universitaria “Consultorios Jurídicos Gratuitos” FCJYS UNLP, Docente del seminario “Metodología de la Investigación Científica” en la carrera de Doctorado de la FCJYS UNLP.


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How to Cite

Grahl, S. N. (2021). Desafíos en la enseñanza del derecho: debemos ubicar el futuro entre nosotros. Law and Social Sciences, (8), 25–36. Retrieved from