Virtualidad y proyecciones del movimiento del acceso a la justicia


  • Roberto Omar Berizonce Instituto de Derecho Procesal-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales-UNLP


This paper analyzes the widespread  presence since the 80`s of the previous century of the  so -called  Universal Access to Justice Movement up to  now, the influence  it has had in the progress of  the legal and institutional fields and in the recognition of  the fundamental rights in the provision the constitutions. It has lead to a gradual   process of acknowledgement and enforcement of social  rights.

In that evolutionary path, the flag of access to justice has had an impact on the humanization of the procedure and of the administration of justice and also on the new conflicts which have come to surface as the result of the protection of group and/or collective rights incorporated into the Constitutions.

The combination of all these elements becomes a factor which encourages social participation in justice and calls for a change in the judges’ profile ( i.e  Judges who are more committed and sensitive to the demands of society.)

A promising and very productive convergence of the great tendencies which are the framework of contemporary law and the embryonic   emergence of a supranational model of justice for the protection of such sensitive rights can be foreseen, in the near future.


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Author Biography

Roberto Omar Berizonce , Instituto de Derecho Procesal-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales-UNLP

Profesor Emérito de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Director del Instituto de Derecho Procesal de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales UNLP.


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How to Cite

Berizonce , R. O. . (2021). Virtualidad y proyecciones del movimiento del acceso a la justicia. Law and Social Sciences, (6), 25–37. Retrieved from