Soledades que matan, sociedades que sepulta

Violencia familiar: realidades limitantes


  • Graciela E. Marrón Universidad Nacional de La Plata- Fundación Volver a Empezar
  • Rosalía Kovach Universidad Nacional de Lanús- Instituto de Cultura Jurìdica, FCJS, UNLP


The aim of this paper is to explore and analyse the obstacles encountered by women who attend a variety of aid centres for victims of domestic violence.  More often than not they give up filing a demand or even once they have done so they finally  have to abandon the proceedings. The reasons for this may be external, which in the majority of cases reinforce the internal ones. In both instances (i.e failure in filing a legal action or refusal to continue the legal proceedings) the suffering continues at home, and the physical and psychological integrity of mother and children is at risk.

Most cases, tagged by legal professionals as severe or in emergency, are dropped before reaching the Family Law Courts, the  proper place for the safeguard of  the women victims and their offspring .Even when they finally reach the Court, but if, later on,  they  give up litigation, their aspirations will be unfulfilled and their situation will be the same or even worse than before.

          In  the light of the enforcement of the Familiar Violence Law Nº 12.569 of the province of Buenos Aires, several issues and questions are at stake: Are there available institutional and personal conditions useful in the assistance of those women and/or in finding adequate responses from the standpoint of each one’s role in society? Do these women obtain appropiate help and stimuli to find a solution to their problems?  Which are the experiences of those women? Which are the external factors which are a negative conditioning for the victims?


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Author Biographies

Graciela E. Marrón , Universidad Nacional de La Plata- Fundación Volver a Empezar

Abogada, UNLP,miembro activo de la “Fundación Volver a Empezar” y representante de la misma en la Mesa Local Contra la Violencia Familiar. Desempeña funciones en la Dirección General de Escuelas y Cultura de la Provincia de Bs. As.

Rosalía Kovach, Universidad Nacional de Lanús- Instituto de Cultura Jurìdica, FCJS, UNLP

Lic. Trabajadora Social, UNLAIntegrante del Equipo Técnico Interdisciplinario de Investigación perteneciente al Instituto de Cultura Jurídica (FCJyS-UNLP). Desempeña funciones en el Equipo Técnico interdisciplinario del Juzgado de Familia Nº 2 del Departamento Judicial La Plata.


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How to Cite

Marrón , G. E. ., & Kovach, R. . (2021). Soledades que matan, sociedades que sepulta: Violencia familiar: realidades limitantes. Law and Social Sciences, (5), 51–73. Retrieved from