Celeridad procesal y razonable duración del proceso


  • José Antonio Callegari .


It aims to investigate the concepts of adequate judicial provision, reasonable processing time and procedural celerity in the context of access to justice.

The growing demand for state social inclusion requires an improvement of its instruments of action, among them the judicial provision. The Judiciary as a public service provider must guarantee the right of access to justice through a modern process in tune with the demands of a complex society. The celerity is one way to enliven the harmful effects of the perpetuation of the demand in court. A short process, with well-defined procedural rules, plays instrumental role through the exercise of citizenship and affirmation of human rights


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How to Cite

Callegari, J. A. (2021). Celeridad procesal y razonable duración del proceso. Law and Social Sciences, (5), 114–129. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/dcs/article/view/11212