La ley penal desde un enfoque socio-semiótico


  • Cintia Weckesser Universidad Nacional de Córdoba- Conicet


The criminal law cannot be explained as if it is an "independent area", nor as a mere tool to serve the interests of the dominants. In order to study the relationship among criminal law and society, we need an approach that allows us to overcome both formal and material approaches.

Our pragmatic approach of semiotics seeks to articulate both views to study the processes by which sense is produced: the characteristics of the discourses, and their relationship to objective conditions of production. This involves reconstructing the net of positions, history and relationships between agents that produce discourses, and to understand that those discourses are strategies, in a moment in which something is at stake.

This study of the transformation of the criminal prosecution system in the province of Cordoba with the 9182 Act of trial by jury (2004), considers the different representations of justice and trial by jury under discussion in the legislative debate of the draft, the social agents that produce and maintain them, in order to identify the factors that make it possible to explain the positions taken by them. This entails taking into account: the press construction of the topic, and other representations of justice and trial by jury in circulation, the state of relations of political power at local and national level, and the impact of the discussions within the academic and professional associations


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Author Biography

Cintia Weckesser, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba- Conicet

Licenciada en Comunicación Social (UNC, 2006), doctoranda en Semiótica, (CEA- UNC), becaria Conicet (desde 2009). Integra el equipo de investigación que dirigen los doctores Ricardo Lionel Costa y Danuta Teresa Mozejko (CIFFyH- UNC), proyecto “Gestión de las prácticas discursivas” (2008-2009).


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How to Cite

Weckesser, C. . (2021). La ley penal desde un enfoque socio-semiótico. Law and Social Sciences, (4), 163–175. Retrieved from