Ideas sobre ambiente durante la década de 1960


  • Marina Laura Lanfranco Vazquez Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata


In the present work different forms to understand the idea of environment during the sixties of the past century have been analyzed. Within that emblematic decade conceptual variants, framed in two great paradigmatic contexts, the technological development and the environmentalism or ecologism have been tracked.

From those who thought that they were approaching to leave the planet and to inhabit other worlds, others reflected over the limitless capacity of the man respect to conquering the space, but also to destroy the earth life; and others realised ethical requests in favor of nature and future generations.

This way through different forms to understand the environment and the complex relation between nature and society, comes to a halt in the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the human environment of Stockholm in 1972, fixed first these bases in the least of international political plane and the gestation of the sustainability paradigm.

As well, the elaboration of the document “The limits to growth” ordered by the Club of Rome and the explosion of the petroleum crisis in 1973, among other events of world-wide relevance, gave rise to important lines of thought that allowed to reflect on the use of the natural resources and the impossibility to continue formulating the development as well as until then.


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Author Biography

Marina Laura Lanfranco Vazquez, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Abogada, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (FCJyS-UNLP), Docente-Investigadora FCJyS-UNLP, Docente Universitario Autorizado (UNLP), Especialista en Políticas de Integración, Instituto de Integración Latinoamericana (IIL) FCJyS-UNLP, Alumna del Doctorado en Ciencias Jurídicas (FCJyS-UNLP)  Directora: Dra. Marisa Miranda Co-Director: Dr. Gustavo Vallejo.


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How to Cite

Lanfranco Vazquez, M. L. . (2021). Ideas sobre ambiente durante la década de 1960. Law and Social Sciences, (4), 176–189. Retrieved from