El discurso jurídico: aportes metodológicos para un análisis semiótico del derecho


  • Agustín Elías Casagrande Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata


The impact of the linguistics and the semiotics studies that shaked up the paradigm of social sciences during the 60´ -linguistic turn-, have repercuted over law studies considered as discoursive and social system. This paper tries, on the one hand, to explain the mainstream theories in the semiotic field –Saussure and Peirce- when they are applied to the law studies, showing the functions of cultural, educative and ideological formations in legal knowledge. On the other hand, it presents a case analysis, in which one of the mainstream models is applied to achieve the comprehension of a law practice through a methodology based on semiotics.


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Author Biography

Agustín Elías Casagrande, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Abogado (FCJS-UNLP), Magíster en Ciencias Sociales (FAHCE-UNLP), Auxiliar Docente de la Cátedra I de Sociología Jurídica (FCJS-UNLP).


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How to Cite

Casagrande, . A. E. . (2021). El discurso jurídico: aportes metodológicos para un análisis semiótico del derecho. Law and Social Sciences, (4), 204–224. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/dcs/article/view/11237