Las formas de la libertad
Ideología político-judicial en torno a la niñez
In the recent years the critical discourse analisys (CDA) has been developed in several disciplines. In fact, the link between language, power and ideology allowed the production of studies in different fields which generated a renewal of Social Science. At this time, the legal discourse can not be put aside of others discourses, and must be seen as an ideological production. For that reason, in this work we are trying to show how judges try to control the problematic situation of children and youth in imprisonment in contemporary Argentine by using diverse argumental tactics.
Therefore, we will try to explore the strategies that judges developed in their legal and non-legal discourses to convince the public that the enclousure of individuals has been done for the best of society.
Also, the concept of discoursive practice will be displayed in the quest of bringing back the historical and sociological dimension to the simple textual analisys, which will show how discourse and minds are shaped by social powers
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