Victoria vs. Adams: el derecho de los homeless en la justicia canadiense


  • Silvina L. Sartelli Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la UNLP


 The aim of this article is to discuss the recent decision of the Court of Appeal of British Columbia to declare some bylaws of the Victoria City unconstitutional due to a violation of section 7 – “right to life, liberty, and security of the person”- of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The question before the court was whether the provisions of the bylaws prohibiting the erection of temporary overhead shelter during the night in public parks violate the respondents’ rights under section 7 of the Charter, at a time when there are insufficient alternative shelter opportunities for the City’s homeless population.

This case has been seen in Canada as a major victory for anti-poverty advocates and may potentially redefine poverty law jurisprudence with regard to section 7 of the Charter


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Author Biography

Silvina L. Sartelli, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la UNLP

Abogada (UNLP). Directora Ejecutiva de la Secretaría de Asuntos Académicos de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la UNLP. Secretaria  del Instituto de Integración Latinoamericana CALP. Adscripta a la docencia en la materia Derecho Constitucional. Ha publicado trabajos anteriores sobre Canadá en la Revista Argentina de Estudios Canadienses.


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Koshan Jeniffer “The Constitutionality of Calgary’s Parks and Pathways Bylaw for Homeless Persons”, 2008, University of Calgary, Faculty of Law, Blog on Developments in Alberta Law. Disponible en:[15/06/2010]

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Young, Margot “Rights, the Homeless, and Social Change: Reflections on Victoria (City) v.

Adams (BCSC)”, British Columbia studies, no.64, Winter 9/10. Disponible en [12/06/2010]


Calgary, Parks and Pathways Bylaw (Nº 20M2003), Disponible en: [30/05/2010]

Edmonton, Unauthorized use of Parkland ByLaw No. 12308. Disponible en: -[31/05/2010]

Victoria, Streets and Traffic Bylaw Nº92-84. Disponible en : [30/05/2010]

Victoria, Parks Regulation Bylaw Nº 07-059 Disponible en: [30/05/2010]

Victoria (City) v. Adams 2008 BCSC 1363. Disponible en [26/05/2010]

Victoria (City) v. Adams 2009 BCCA 563. Disponible en [26/05/2010]

General Comment No. 9, The Domestic Application of the Covenant, UN ESCOR, 19th Sess., Annex, Agenda Item 3, UN Doc. E/C.12/1998/24 (1998). Disponible en [14/06/2010]

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How to Cite

Sartelli, S. L. (2021). Victoria vs. Adams: el derecho de los homeless en la justicia canadiense. Law and Social Sciences, (3), 345–357. Retrieved from