The fragility of identity: about the internal experience of gender in Law N° 26.743 Reflections from Pierre Bourdieu and Judith Butler


  • Lucía Inés Coppa Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (UNLP) y Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (UNLP)


identity – gender, transexuality, feminity, heternormativity


The following article intends to approach some aspects of bourdiean thoughts in order to develop an approach to the notion of gender and the way in which – within an androcentric symbolic order and a normative heterosexual matrix – function these diagrams in the way gender makes up the subjective corporal form. From those notions, we want to reflect about the emergency of sexual identities that transgress the cultural precepts around gender founded in doxic experience. Likewise, we will sketch a brief reference among inconscient dimension across psychoanalytical tradition and performative theory across Judith Butler in the feminists debates.

Through this conceptual framework we will attempt to examine how may the dominant representations of femininity, androcentric and heterosexually regulated, influence the identity formation of a feminine transsexual person, founded in the morphological ideal which has sustenance in the man-woman dichotomy, leaving the questioning open about the ways that the transgressive assumption of sex of what appears like the order of things may take in a binomic gender matrix, examining the reception of this debates in te Gender Identity Law N° 26.743


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Author Biography

Lucía Inés Coppa, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (UNLP) y Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (UNLP)

Abogada. Maestranda en Ciencias Sociales por la FAHCE-UNLP. Auxiliar graduada en la Cátedra I Sociología Jurídica FCJyS. UNLP. Mail:


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Bourdieu, Pierre; Wacquant, Loïc. (2008) Una invitación a la sociología reflexiva. Siglo XXI Editores.

Butler, Judith. (1990) “Actos performativos y constitución del

género: un ensayo sobre fenomenología y teoría feminista” en

CASE, Sue-Ellen. Performing Feminisms: Feminist Critical Theory and Theatre. Johns Hopkins University Press

Butler, Judith. (2002) Cuerpos que importan. Editorial Paidós Entornos.

Butler, Judith. (2007) El género en disputa. Editorial Paidós

Butler, Judith. (1997) Mecanismos psíquicos del poder. Cátedra, Universidad de Valencia, Instituto de la Mujer. Madrid.

Money, John. (1988) Gay, Straight and In-Between: The Sexology of Erotic Orientation. Oxford University Press.

Ruiz, Alicia (comp.) (2000) Identidad femenina y discurso jurídico. Editorial Biblos.



How to Cite

Coppa, L. I. (2014). The fragility of identity: about the internal experience of gender in Law N° 26.743 Reflections from Pierre Bourdieu and Judith Butler. Law and Social Sciences, (11), 24–39. Retrieved from