Penal Protection: a possible reading of the proposals to lower the age of imputability


  • José E. Morales Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos



dynamics of individuation; social justice; penal intervention; penal protection


Faced with a "new" debate on the Juvenile Penal Law in our country, we can observe what is repeated: an "extraordinary" event that involves the participation of a young person, not any young person, relevance in the media agenda, repercussion on public opinion, an appeal to the legislature, the lowering of the age of imputability as the most significant variable in the reform proposals.

Starting from a tour of the projects of Juvenile Criminal Law that in the period 2012-2017 have been proposed to replace the Penal Regime of the Minority in force in our country, the present article presents a series of elements that allow a possible reading on the persistence of the decline in the age of imputability in the great majority of such projects: the dynamics of individuation underlying social policy models in the design of programs aimed at children and adolescents,  and the conjunction of the State of its facet of restitution and protection of rights with their role of penal intervention. For this we will take as a reference the analysis of Silvia Guemureman on the models of social policy in the City of Buenos Aires.


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Author Biography

José E. Morales, Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos

Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos


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How to Cite

Morales, J. E. (2017). Penal Protection: a possible reading of the proposals to lower the age of imputability. Law and Social Sciences, 1(17), 102–115.



Dossier: Current studies on criminal justice