The application of the new Argentinian Unified Civil & Commercial Code´1911 article on open long prescription trials


  • Francisco Ramón Ramírez Castañeda Universidad Nacional del Nordeste



Argentinian Unified Civil & Commercial Code; possession; long prescription ;open trials.


The new Argentinian Unified Civil & Commercial Code prescribes in the article 1911 a legal iuris tantum presumption about possessory quality in the relations of power. That presumption represents a useful tool to overcome difficulties on production and assessment of evidence, as well as also leaves behind interpretative discussions of the old law, helping to achieve the prescription´s objectives as an exceptional way to acquire a real right by pass of the time. However, because of its legal nature, content, interpretative quality and effects, there are some kind of doubts about the possibility of its immediate application on open long prescription trials. Those doubts will be the challenge of these lines in the attempt to find solutions and their consequences.  


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Author Biography

Francisco Ramón Ramírez Castañeda, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Abogado - Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos de la Cátedra “B” de la asignatura Derechos Reales (Civil IV) en la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste - Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales y Políticas. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Ramírez Castañeda, F. R. (2017). The application of the new Argentinian Unified Civil & Commercial Code´1911 article on open long prescription trials. Law and Social Sciences, 1(17), 185–206.