Lack of legislation to face new realities, surrogacy and post-mortem filiation bills and the consequences of their elimination


  • Marina Ditieri Universidad de Buenos Aires- Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz-Universidad Naiconal de Avellaneda
  • Gilda Beatriz Cortese Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos.
  • Yanina Graciela González Demaría Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos



Anteproyecto; Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación; Gestación por sustitución; Filiación post mortem; Supresión; Desprotección, Draft bill; Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina; Surrogacy; Post-mortem filiation; Elimination; Lack of legal protection.


The new Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina, built on the basis of the opinion of legal experts on international human rights law, has been presented as a Code grounded on the principles of equality and non-discrimination; in short, a Code with a pro homine view on reality. However, the elimination of two draft bills -surrogacy and post-mortem filiation-  meant excluding from the legal framework the contemplation of actual cases, leaving them without legal protection. The purpose of this paper is to take a critical look at the way in which the Draft Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina provided for such legal devices as well as the consequences of eliminating them. Finally, we will analyse the judicial decisions issued after the Code became effective, in order to demonstrate how precedent has come to show the need for the enactment of special laws regulating that subject-matter, turning old a substantive Code which was sanctioned only two years ago.


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Author Biographies

Marina Ditieri, Universidad de Buenos Aires- Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz-Universidad Naiconal de Avellaneda

 Abogada (UBA) –Maestranda en Derechos Humanos (UNLP) - Docente Universitaria (UBA/UNPAZ/UNDAV)

Gilda Beatriz Cortese, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos.

Abogada, (UBA) - Especialista en Políticas Públicas de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia (UNER)

Yanina Graciela González Demaría, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

Abogada (UBA) – Especialista en Políticas Públicas de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia (UNER)


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How to Cite

Ditieri, M., Cortese, G. B., & González Demaría, Y. G. (2018). Lack of legislation to face new realities, surrogacy and post-mortem filiation bills and the consequences of their elimination. Law and Social Sciences, (18), 62–81.