Litigation on pollinators (the law according to bees)




Pollinators; bees; litigation on pollinators; pesticides; biological diversity


The presence of pollinators is essential for biodiversity and food production. Exposure to multiple stress factors is causing the loss of numerous colonies of honey bees and different wild pollinators. The purpose of the work is to analyze the current state of litigation regarding some of those stress factors. It is examined cases involving neonicotinoids, sulfoxaflor, fipronil, glyphosate, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and dimethoate. It is concluded that the classic litigation on bees, centered on problems of property and liability for damages, is turning towards a litigation on pollinators, which tries to protect biodiversity and food.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo L. Bailo, Facultad de Ciencias Jurìdicas y Sociales- Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Santa Fé (Argentina)

 Becario Conicet (Argentina). Docente de Derecho Civil II (Obligaciones) y de Derecho de Daños (FCJS-Uiversidad Nacional del Litoral – Santa Fé- Argentina). Centro de Investigaciones en Derecho (FCJS-UNL).


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How to Cite

Bailo, G. L. . (2019). Litigation on pollinators (the law according to bees). Law and Social Sciences, (21), 263–283.