Legal Aspects of the conflict over seed saving of genetically modified soybean in Argentina: 1996-2019


  • Nicolás Pérez Trento Universidad Nacional de Quilmes- Universidad de Buenos Aires



seed law, GM seeds, royalties, seed savings


Over the last fifteen years, numerous bills regarding the regulation of seed saving were discussed. At the heart of these debates lies the conflict over fees collection, which is particularly relevant to genetically modified soybeans, which are (as well as their by-products) Argentina's main export commodity. In this regard, the possibility of appropriating royalties for seed saving is tied to the regulation of intellectual property rights. Hence, a significant part of the conflict is linked to the efforts to modify the current legislation. In this paper we aim to analyze these issues. Thus, after synthesizing some relevant aspects of the conflict, we will dwell on the analysis of the legal framework that regulates intellectual property rights over plant organisms. We will then analyze of the role played by the legislation in this conflict and the actions of different social actors around this legal framework, linking these issues with the dynamics presented by the accumulation of capital in the seed production branch.


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Author Biography

Nicolás Pérez Trento, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes- Universidad de Buenos Aires

Dr. en Ciencias Sociales (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento). Becario postdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Docente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Pérez Trento, N. . (2020). Legal Aspects of the conflict over seed saving of genetically modified soybean in Argentina: 1996-2019. Law and Social Sciences, (22), 78–99.