Monitoring by remote sensing of the variation of surface water storage in hydrographic basins




water balance, lowland basin, remote sensing


The availability of satellite images on web platforms allowed for the creation of geospatial databases to estimate spatiotemporal water balances in a hydrological basin, contributing to the sustainable management of water resources and territory. The objective was to apply remote sensing monitoring techniques to define the variation of surface water storage during the 2017 wet season in subregion A1, northwest of the Salado River, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The period evaluated was between January and April, due to recorded flood emergencies, corroborated by National Meteorological Service rainfall data. For processing, precipitation data from the IMERG sensor, evapotranspiration data from the MODIS sensor, runoff data, and surface water storage data from the GLDAS 2.2 system were used. The analysis was carried out at the sub-basin level, due to the spatial variability of the data. In sub-basin 5, the lowest precipitation (750 mm) and the maximum evapotranspiration (275 mm) were indicated, while 835 mm of rainfall were recorded in the center of the A1 basin. Surface runoff showed the maximum in sub-basin 1 (68 mm), while values remained uniform in the rest of A1. It is concluded that remote sensing is an optimal methodology for describing water balance, and applying remote sensing monitoring techniques allows for the precise determination of the variation of surface water storage in a large area, representing the distribution of evapotranspiration and surface runoff reliably.


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How to Cite

Montealegre Medina, F. A., & Gaspari, F. J. (2023). Monitoring by remote sensing of the variation of surface water storage in hydrographic basins. AUGM DOMUS, (10), 004.




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