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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission was not previously published nor submitted to another journal.
  • The folder of the submitted manuscript presents Microsoft Word format or other compatible formats. The remaining folders follow the established guidelines.
  • Web addresses were included in the references when possible.
  • The text presents double spacing, Times New Roman 12 point font. Italics font was used instead of underlining except for URL addresses. The indicated format for tables and figures was used.
  • The text fulfills the bibliographic and stylistic requirements indicated in guidelines for authors that can be found in About.
  • If the submission corresponds to a section in the journal that is subjected to a peer review, the Author should make sure that he/she followed and fulfilled the instructions for a peer review.

Author Guidelines

This magazine is DISCONTINUED.

Manuscripts should be sent via Internet to AUGMDOMUS journal through the submission system on-line.Those AUGM members that want to submit manuscripts must be registered in the Portal del Comité de Medio Ambiente here. External authors can also submit their manuscripts communicating their condition to the Editor.

The Author guidelines can be found in the file Author guidelines. The Author should clearly understand all the guidelines and restrictions mentioned in this document before submitting his/her article to AUGMDOMUS journal. Non-compliant articles could be immediately rejected without being considered for the evaluation process.

Here you will find a tutorial which shows how to submit an article to AUGMDOMUS journal. For a better view, the screen should be widened. The full-screen mode can be used.

How to submit an article on OJS.

Envios De Trabajos Ingles

Scientific and Technological Research Articles – Young Investigators

They consist of original disciplinary or multi-disciplinary research work in any knowledge field about the environment. They should include the following sections: cover pages, Abstract/Resumen/Resumo, Introduction, Theoretical framework (optional), Methodology, Results and discussion (joint or separated), Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional), References, List of tables and figures (if used). The text length is not fixed but a maximum of 4000-8000 words is recommended.

Scientific and Technological Research Articles – Qualified Investigators

They consist of research work with new multidisciplinary contributions to knowledge on issues of local, regional or global interest. They should include the following sections: cover pages, Abstract/Resumen/Resumo, Introduction, Theoretical framework (optional), Methodology, Results and Discussion (joint or separated),Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional), References and List of tables and figures (if used). The text length is not fixed but a maximum of 4000-8000 words is recommended.

Scientific and Technological Research Articles – Thesis Summaries

They are aimed at disseminating the synthesis on relevant environmental knowledge as a result of postgraduate education in AUGM universities. They should include the following sections: cover pages, Abstract/Resumen/Resumo, Introduction, Theoretical framework (optional), Methodology, Results and discussion (joint and separated), Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional), References and List of tables and figures (if used). The text strength is not fixed but a maximum of 4000-8000 words is recommended.

Thematic Reviews

They consist of research work that summarizes, organizes and analyzes the current state of knowledge on issues of environmental interest. They should include the following sections: title and cover pages, Abstract/Resumen/Resumo, Introduction, Theoretical framework (optional), Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional), References and List of tables and figures (if used). The organization of the remaining sections is flexible. The text length is not fixed but a maximum of 6000 words is recommended.

Brief Communications

They are articles of less than 300 words about a scientific or technological idea that implies a significant knowledge advance. It should be reviewed. Its organization is flexible.

Opinion Articles

They consist of essays that are generally short and contain original ideas, speculations, critic to previous articles or current issues and ideas given on the basis of technical and bibliographic elements. They should contribute to the free debate of current ideas on environmental issues, preferably those that are controversial. They should include the following sections: cover pages, Abstract/Resumen/Resumo, Acknowledgements (optional), References and List of tables and figures (if used). The organization of the remaining sections is flexible. Its maximum length is of 1000 words without considering the cover pages.

Documents on Environmental Education

They consist of contributions to themes, content, methods and other curricular issues and analytical reflections related to environmental sciences oriented towards university teachers and students. They should include cover pages, Abstract/Resumen/Resumo, Introduction, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional), References and List of tables and figures (if used). The organization of the remaining sections is flexible. They can include supplementary material. A maximum of 4000-8000 words is recommended.

Technical Reports

They consist of application research articles based on principles, criteria and methodologies that are scientifically in force, although they do not constitute true scientific investigation. They aimed at finding solutions to problems related to evaluation, treatment, planning, management and conservation, etc. They should include cover pages, Abstract/Resumen/Resume, Introduction, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional), References and List of tables and figures (if used). The organization of the remaining sections is flexible. They can include supplementary material. The text length is not fixed. A maximum of 4000-8000 words is recommended.

Book Reviews

They consist of work done by invited authors. They describe and evaluate the content of the analyzed book related to environmental issues. They should include the complete citation according to AUGMDOMUS editorial guidelines, name and surname of the reviewer without abbreviations, position, work place, electronic mail and the text of 300 words with a comment about the book.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in the journal will be exclusively used on the basis of the views stated by the journal and will not be available to anyone or used for other purposes.